Full Spectrum
Our residents have ample opportunities on labor and delivery at a state of the art facility equipped with a level III NICU, immediate access to 2 ORs on the unit, isolation beds for COVID+ patients, bedside ultrasound, superb nursing staff and excellent specialists such as Perinatologists, OB Hospitalists, Neonatologists, Anesthesiologists, and Social Workers who are readily available and very collaborative with our Family Medicine physicians. One of our greatest assets is our excellent working relationship with these team members, as we are very well respected and an integral part of the team.
All of our first year residents spend their required two sessions of 6 weeks duration on labor and delivery learning how to triage patients, manage labors and inductions, perform deliveries (be it vaginal or first assist on cesarean sections), as well as provide postpartum care and newborn care. These rotations also include training in the outpatient setting for prenatal care, including obstetric ultrasound and antenatal monitoring, and newborn care. All residents in the second and third year will have more opportunities for prenatal care outpatient and labor/delivery management inpatient as well as supervising the first year residents.
Our senior residents who are particularly interested in getting more experience in obstetrics may add specialized electives in high, risk obstetrics, as well as more time on labor and delivery. This includes working with maternal fetal medicine specialists in the inpatient setting on rounds for antepartum and postpartum care of the high risk patient, with the obstetric hospitalists for triage and admission for pregnancy complications as well as for deliveries, and with perinatologists in the outpatient setting for high risk prenatal care and genetic counseling. Those residents focusing on additional OB time, have gotten between 80-120 deliveries over the course of the 3 year program and gained additional skills in labor management. Several graduates of our program deliver their patients with our call group and help teach our residents! Occasionally, we have had a graduate pursue operative training by doing an OB Maternal Child fellowship.
Providence Oregon Family Medicine Residency is an excellent opportunity for those who are interested in full scope family medicine including obstetrics. It would be a good fit for those seeking to pursue a career that might involve prenatal care of patients, performing deliveries, and for all those seeking sufficient knowledge of pregnancy care which is an integral part of being a competent family physician.
Project Nurture
Project Nurture
Substance Use Disorder (SUD) can affect anyone… Including pregnant women. We are part of a group effort across various Health Systems in Portland to address this population and their needs. The program has been very successful and assisting these patients on their recovery and parenthood journey.
We also offer an elective for senior residents to participate with our program "Project Nurture" which serves a population of women with substance use disorder who are working to maintain sobriety with the goal of parenting long term. We have a very collaborative and cohesive team including social worker, peer support educator / doula, substance use counselor, and family medicine faculty who provide continuity of care for these patients, and offer Medication Assisted Therapy if needed and desired.
The program has been very successful in reducing pregnancy complication rates, engaging patients in care, and fostering an environment of trust, which plays an integral part in these women being able to parent successfully. Data from the first 3 years since the inception of the program suggests a 70% decreased rate of preterm labor, significant reduction in NICU stays and 90% rate of custody at 1 year of the child's life in this population.